Tue 03 Aug 2021

Why did they want to cross You, my Christ?

Because You are the Truth, the Light and the Life!

Crucified, You brought love to the world

and people were  blinded by Your Light, Savior.

My Sweet Jesus, I cannot See You

on the Cross,they nailed, You, the Love.

It hurts, my Bridegroom Jesus, it hurts unimaginably,

I have nothing to expect in this world anymore.

My heart tires apart, my Sweet Crucified,

when I see You on the Cross…

I am thinking, If I didn’t come in this world,

I wouldn’t want to see such an image in my life. 

You, Strong, the Legislator, as lawless!

They condemned You, the Life of all!

Because You raise the dead and You enlighten the blind,

They were blinded by your Light and their souls become dark.

I am feeling my existence lost by the pain…

Why did they envy You, My Beloved Savior?

Because, my Christ, illuminated the darkness of the world

and brought love to this world, Crucified!

The bells ring sadly and the sound touches

every human heart on this earth.

Why? Why the Sweet Christ be crucified?

«Ο φθόνος ου ζητεί το εαυτού συμφέρον»,Savior said.

They thought, if they see You nailed on the Cross

Your divine Light will be extinguished and tarnished

but Your shine touches the hearts, my Christ

and those who loved You, want to give their livesto You.

My Sweet Christ, my Exact Truth,

If I had thousands lives to give them to You…

I believed You, I loved You, my Beloved Christ,

I cannot feel anything else in my life.

Let Your grace reach this earth,

in these miserable and gloomy days,

break the bonds of sin of the whole world,

accept, my Christ, these sacred thoughts.


Prayer Request


Holy Water - Oil
